The PLO Wants an Anthem

Hamas, one of the "peaceful Palestinian" groups set on blowing Israeli civilians sky high, but not so keen on facing off with the IDF, is having a contest for composing an official anthem for the PLO terrorist movement. Well, here is my entry (sung along the lines of the similar verses in The Pirates of Penzance):

Oh, when the Isrealis come to fight!
Tantara tantara!
We turn our tails in flight!
And whenever danger's near
We hide ourselves in fear.
We hide ourselves in fear!
Tantara tantara!

But when a Jew is found unarmed
Tantara tantara!
We no longer are alarmed.
So we'll bravely blow him up,
Yup, that's our evil cup.
That's our eeevil cup!
Tantara tantara!

And when the UN asks us why,
Tantara tantara!
We tell them all the Jews must die.
Then Koffi asks the Jews,
Why they us abuse?
And they tell him that they want to live!
Haha haha haha haha!

But camels are no match,
Tantara tantara!
When missiles are unlatched.
So for now we'd better hide,
If we want to save our hide.
But mind you we'll be back!
Haha haha haha haha!

If you're a bit lost on how this should go, well, "Tantara tantara!" and "Haha..." have a bit of a sticcato, though you draw out the single "Tantara". The last line in each verse (before "Haha...") has a crescendo and the last syllable is kind of a sharp burst.

Also in the news today, the Israelis killed "Adnan al-Ghoul", a senior member of Hamas in charge of bombmaking. Yay, Israelis!

P.S. visit Stand for Israel and piss off a terrorist!